Annual Reports

Challenge: Give UW and general audiences a look at the year’s successes and how they and GHI have contributed to health in Wisconsin and across the world.
Content & Design: Ann Grauvogl

  • The 2021-2022 impact report for the UW-Madison Global Health Institute.

  • The annual report was built in Adobe Express—a dynamic format that called for viewers to scroll through the report and new elements appeared. The printed version is available here. It’s in Adobe Express here.

Case Statements

Challenge: Make the case, showing potential donors how their gifts can contribute to a better world.
Content: Ann Grauvogl; Design: Yael Gen

  • A one-sheet promotional piece about the UW-Madison First Wave program.

  • A 4-page promotional piece for UW Veterinary Medicine’s cancer expansion.

  • A 4-page development piece to endow the curator position at UW-Madison’s Longenecker Gardens.